Lessons Learned About

Terence Mills and His Inventions

New technology greatly impacts our daily lives in every field, from the cars we drive, to the cell phones we use, and computers and networks we access and the power we are consuming! Actually humans have always been greatly affected with the developments of technology.

But the advancement of technology has brought confusion to many due to its complexity in cloud computing, method of security and data encryption! This is the fact that cannot be denied: new information technology not only benefits the programmers, hardware engineers, network analysts and database managers but even benefits the users as well. New information technology was developed in 1940’s and 1950’s to improve the work of the military an universities.

There are kids now who are growing up not knowing what was the life before the internet and the cell phone. To the older generation, this new technology is novice and unique in their lives. New science and technology offers breakthroughs in our lives and to our children that will significantly impact the world we are living. The new medical science and technology will be able to cure cancer and HIV-AIDS through the advancement of the technology. New medical technology is developing, from clinical trials for pharmaceuticals to robotics for complex surgery.

These new technology might lead to the discovery of alternative fuel vehicles, space travel for civilians, virtual reality conferences, and even a worldwide network of personal wireless electronics and too many other inventions to mention. These latest research in technology specifically in computer science is not just able to cater medical, business, gadget, IT and education Yet this does mean only for a better health, more knowledge and power to acquire.

Environmental and renewable energy sources, space science and electronics, also the stem-cell investigations are just few of the hot topics in the new research technology. All the developments in the technology is credited to the invention of computers. The computer application is used and has been acknowledged worldwide. Daily, new models of computers has been developed with unique and different features.

Every day, business technology is being developed which aims to help companies get an edge and offer excellent products and services in the market place. A corporate digital strategy is characterized by the application of these new technologies to an existing business activity.

Artificial Intelligence or AI is one of the known new technology. Another example on the development of new technology is the emergence of Moonshot. Terence Mills who go boldly as an entrepreneur, marketer, AI pioneer and digital technology specialist. Terence Mills is the founder of AIio and Moonshot,

Even though technology is about inventions however it cannot be denied that these inventions promote greater health, wealth, security and well-being.

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