A person would like to be in a fellowship where they are satisfied with the teaching and growing spiritually. Every person who would want to belong to a fellowship must at a point in their lives tried to get a good place where they can also worship among believers. Some have been able to find sanctuaries which they can call a home while others have taken so much time to identify where they can fellowship.
Continue searching for a better place to call a fellowship if you clearly observer that where you are do not give proper teaching which is in accordance to the bible teaching. The scripture has harshly pronounced punitive punishment to the people who distort scripture for their advantage.
The below guidance can assist you if you are looking for a place where you can fellowship.
consider selecting a church that will always encourage you also to worship and fellowship. Sitting in a church or singing good songs is not what worship is all about. Through all your life, the fellowship or church that you decide to join must always connect you to God.
Evangelism should be another consideration that you need to have when identifying a church for fellowship. How the church views reaching out to the lost is very important. The primary calling of the church is to share the good news to the people who have not known Christ. Every Christian church must therefore be on the forefront in preaching the gospel.
You should look out for a church where the leaders are qualified and well trained.
Select a church whose teachings and daily practice are inspired and have a foundation from the word of god, the bible. The scripture should be the basis for the faith preached by the church. Care must be taken when selecting a church so that you don’t end up joining a movement that has interpreted scripture its own ways. Different churches with different teachings have come up hence the need to be more careful.
You must choose to settle in a fellowship which does not have any different belief than yours. Take time to think about the fellowship you would like to belong.
When choosing to belong a fellowship, you must be able to gather information and know whether the bible is preached all the time. Since you may want to fellowship in the church with the family, it is important to make a determination on whether the teachings are faithful to the bible and is the place you will want the family to join.
It is advisable to join a fellowship where you will be able to serve and lead teams instead of just being a church attendant.
You have to also invest in a church for it to be good.