Common Signs and Symptoms of Depression and How to Detect a Depressed Person
Depression has become a gigantic condition and continue to affect people of all ages, thus, the need to be dealt with. When depression attack, the affected person could easily confuse the signs as symptoms of other conditions. A person who is always sad and has zero interest in anything for a prolonged period of time, that is not a normal ailment, it may be depression. At NYC Therapy and Wellness, you will find specialists of depression and anxiety.
How is depression diagnosed?
Anytime you notice a close friend or family has changed his or her behaviour and started to lose interest in everything, as well as become sad often, consult a specialist like NYC Therapy and Wellness. For proper depression diagnosis, a professional health specialist is a right person to handle the task. The health specialist will start by establishing why the patient is suffering from depression so that he can come up with the right treatment program. At NYC Therapy and Wellness, the team of specialists have experience in handling depression cases effectively. As the patient, try to develop a willingness to recover as the recovery journey will greatly require your input as well. During the treatment process, the health specialist will ask several questions and perform tests in a bid to establish the cause of depression and thereafter establish the right ways of helping the patient. The health specialist will require to know more about the patient, learn the history of the patient, thus, as the patient, be sure to provide correct and honest answers.
Here are the signs of depression.
A person suffering from depression hardly eat food due to loss of appetite. The person will eventually start to lose weight as he or she is not consuming enough food. Weight loss, in this case, is normally unintentional and the depressed person may not notice.
The patient will always be feeling exhausted at all time. There is usually loss of enough energy to perform basic duties be it at school, or even at work, thus the person will always fail to complete tasks. The patient does not have the morale to perform even the activities he or she used to enjoy before suffering from depression. The victim has zero interest in anything.
Another common symptom of depression is that the patient develops a low self-esteem. The patient will not want to be with other people and normally withdraws and remains alone all the time as well as the feeling of been unworthy to other people. A depressed person remains sulky, withdrawn and unhappy all the time.
Continued case of depression may make the victim develop suicidal thoughts. The patient will always have the urge of taking his or her own life, probably as the solution to move away from the problems.
If you have been going through a hard time and you notice any of the above signs, consult a health specialist like NYC Therapy and Wellness for immediate help.