Essential Security Tips Every Woman Should Know
To any woman who lives alone, it would be essential to consider reading this selection as it will be exposing some of the safety tips he or she should have. This section considers the fact that about one in every ten women live alone and hence the need to know of some of the safety tips she can use towards being safe. It is a fact that living alone empowers a woman and gives her freedom to use her space and keep her schedule. Even while living alone comes with empowerment, this selection recommends proper safety to anyone living alone. This selection exposes you to some of the tips you may need to consider in your keeping your home safe even as you live alone.
The first thing you ought to do is to list your emergency numbers. One tends to think of calling as the first thing any time he or she is faced by an emergency. It would be unfortunate in a case where you tried to access emergency numbers with no much success. This selection mention some of the numbers you may need to consider listing as emergency numbers. You may need to have medical emergency numbers, poison control, police emergency numbers, family and friends who live nearby as well as your phone number. You would also need to have a local tow number, water, gas, car repair as well as any other pertinent number. You would need to make sure that you place the list in an easily accessible place especially in an emergency.
It would be essential to consider installing an emergency alarm app. It is also essential to consider repairing your keys and locks especially immediately after moving into a new home.
In a case where an intruder breaks into your home, you may need to consider having a weapon for self-defense. Even when the fire extinguisher ought to be used in times of fire, it also tends to be very effective in distracting an intruder.
Extra lighting is also a safety tip every woman should know. While turning off lights tend to save energy, leaving some extra lights with blinds on tend to create an illusion that the house is inhabited by multiple people especially at night. You may consider installing motion-activated spotlights in a case where you feel that you must save energy especially if you live in rural areas. You would also need to consider installing security cameras to monitor your home whether you are in or not. You would consider hiding some at the entry point that will give a clear view of the intruder.