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Useful tips On The Prevention and Treatment of Heat Stroke

Although exertion heat stroke is capable of causing disastrous damage, it can also be quickly treated. The most important thing for people’s result is the number of times a person’s temperature remains over 105 degrees. Surviving a heatstroke is possible if only the temperature can be reduced to below 104 degrees in less than 30 minutes. This article will discuss tips on how to prevent and treat heat stroke.

Let us find learn how people who die from heat stroke feel before they pass out. The initial symptoms are their head pounds, their muscles get cramped and they experience a very fast heartbeat. They will get dizzy and vomiting will start. When all these signs occur in a person, chances are they will die. So it is a good sign to tell others around the affected person that this person is in danger and should get immediate help.

Now to prevent all this from happening people need to observer some few tips and fatalities will be reduced. If temperatures are high, it is advisable not to exercise and if exercises have to be done, then choosing cooler parts in a day or doing it in the shade can help. If a person has to exercise in the heat then they should wear lightweight, loose-fitting and pale-coloured clothing. They should also adjust to the condition by steadily increasing their output to over 7 to 14 days.

The amount of water a person drinks when temperatures are high is also a point to consider. For athletes who do it for pleasure, it is suggested that they should drink water only when thirsty. But high-level enduring athletes must factor in other aspects like their rate of sweating. They should also not take alcohol before or when they are doing strenuous workouts.

The symptoms of heat stroke are varied. Several victims will still be conscious and other will have vomit or have seizures. Others will not even show any of these symptoms. A person can be suspected to have heat stroke if they are confused, hyper-irritable, if they are speaking irrationally and if they cannot support their body weight. To assess a person temperature to know if they have heat stroke signs a rectal thermometer can be used.

When it comes to heat stroke the first should be you get the victim to cool first, them move them to a hospital. If this is done is few minutes, the victim can be cooled down before they are taken to the emergency room. They other type of first aid would be to immerse the body in cold water which drastically lowers the temperature. In fact the temperature goes down drops every three minutes when the body is in cold water.

Exertion heat stroke in a back country also has its challenges. So anything that will cool the victim will be helpful however the best alternatives is to have them immersed in a stream, river, lake or wrapped in a fabric soaked in ice water. It is crucial that the whole body surface is cooled. In case cold water is not available then, get the victim under a shade, fan them or wet their body using your water bottle.

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